Sunday, May 31, 2009


...and took us with them. Somebody had to drive. We left home in a driving rain storm with winds gusting to 35 m.p.h. We had to wait for mom to get home from work so it was around 6:00 p.m. before we pulled out.

We stopped in south Georgia and filled the fuel tank, then mom and Stormy went to bed. Rocket kept me company until we stopped for the night. Since I was determined to get through Atlanta before we stopped, it was almost 3 a.m. before Rocket and I crawled in the bed.

We were back on the road by 7 a.m. By 11 a.m., the boys were playing in the back yard with cousin Katie.

I got to play golf with one of the best friends a guy could ever have. Becky got to visit with her mom, sister Becky, and her two younger brothers. On Saturday evening, the boys got to meet cousin Lady. She is a miniature of cousin Katie. That is Lady's mother, Julie, refereeing.

When it came time to leave for home, we had two more passengers. The two daughters of the eldest son made the trip back to Florida with us. Of course, the trip home was more of the same.

We got on the road around 8 a.m., and before 10 a.m., all the bed space had been staked out. Mom and Stormy got the master bedroom, of course. Kristin sacked out in the top bunk and Kaitlin took the couch. It was just me and Li'l Rock again.

Driving through downtown Atlanta in a motor home is not tough enough. The sky opened up on us just as we passed the beltway approaching downtown. We still managed to make pretty good time and around 6:30 p.m. we dropped off the granddaughters with the youngest daughter in Jacksonville.

Around 8:45 p.m., we pulled into the golf resort where we live. Guess what. It was raining again. The boys said they didn't give a hoot about the rain, they were just glad to get home so they could rest up for their next vacation!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Look out, Hubbell, here we come. After a long delay, Atlantis flew on May 11 toward a rendezvous with the Hubbell telescope to make some repairs and add a little package that will make it a little more powerful. Kind of hard to believe after seeing some of the images it has captured that it could be improved upon.