Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Was I Ever Set Up !

One night last week, Becky came home from work with a tale about a conversation she had with a co-worker. She said she was talking to him about something that she wanted when he asked her why she thought she should have it. She said when she replied that she should have it simply because she wanted it, he responded that he bet she got everything she wanted. She assured him that she certainly did. To this I replied that I do try to give her what she wants simply because I love her and enjoy making her happy. NOW I WAS ON THE HOOK.

The next evening she called to me to come and look at something she had pulled up on the computer screen. She said "isn't he adorable", referring to a picture of a little Schnauzer puppie. I agreed that he was cute and inquired as to his location. She said he was somewhere near Starke, FL, and I went about my business.SHE WAS REELING ME IN.

The big question came the following day when she asked if I intended to drive her on the nearly 300 mile round trip to see the puppy. I tried to convince her that Stormy would be very jealous if he had to share her time and attention with a puppy, and that he might even hurt it. She said we could take Stormy with us and introduce them. She already had her rebuttal ready for any objections I could think to raise. After all, I had admitted that I tried to give her everything she wanted.

We made the trip north with one dog and, needless to say, when we turned the car south there were two dogs inside. After all, Friday is her birthday. How could I say no.

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