Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wish I Was There

You have received those postcards from your friends on vacation. The ones with the beautiful scenes on them and the words, "Wish You Were Here". Well, after seeing these photos, all I could think of was I wish I was there. I told Becky before that if NASA called me and said we have a shuttle going up in about an hour and have a vacant seat, I would be out the door before she could blink. I thought I would share a few of these and let you join me in wondering what it would be like to be along for the ride.

Oh, yeah, NASA just announced that the launch set for February 12 has been postponed until at least February 19. If it goes then, it will be scheduled for 4:40 A.M. That is awful early to get up but I am sure it will be a sight well worth losing sleep for.

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