Saturday, June 20, 2009

They Got Me Twice

NASA, that is. I am an early riser, and it is usually because of a Rocket. A little four-legged black and white Rocket of a miniature Schnauzer. He and I usually get up around 6 A.M., take our medicine, put the coffee on, and then stroll through the neighborhood. Most mornings he chases the squirrels in the park or hunts the alligator in the lake.

On the morning of June 13, shuttle Endeavour was scheduled for a 5:40A.M. launch. Youngest son Keith and his wife had extended their visit for an extra day so they could watch the launch. Since this would be their first, we decided to watch from the banks of the Indian River. They would leave immediately after the launch for the trip home.

It was a beautiful morning, even if it was a little early. We got up around five and headed out to wait on the river bank.

The sunrise was the only show we got to see that morning. We discovered soon after arriving at the marina that the launch had been scrubbed due to a hydrogen leak. Well, at least Keith and Wendy were able to get an early start on the trip home.

A few days later, believing that the leaking fuel problem had been solved, NASA scheduled another attempt. This one was also to be an early morning launch, so I decided I would watch it from home. Good decision. Scrubbed again.

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