Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Is it Summer Yet?

Well, another birthday has come and gone. Someone asked me if I felt any older. My response was that once you start drawing social security, age has no meaning.

We made a combination birthday/Mother's Day trip to our daughter's in Jacksonville. She fed us well and my grandchildren sang happy birthday to me. I made out like a bandit. I scored a new pair of shoes, "Crocs" no less, and a couple of shirts. Ms Becky is now sporting a diamond encrusted palm tree around her neck.

I am still not used to this weather. I find myself worrying that the end of the season will soon be here along with short days and cold nights. Then I realize that, what the heck, I now live in the land of sunshine. Thank you, Lord.

Thank you also for 5 great kids who cared enough to call and say happy birthday, for 10 grandchildren who seem to think I am something special, and to a wife who knows me inside-out and loves me anyway.

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