Friday, October 17, 2008


It was hard to do, but we were finally able to schedule a weekend with our North Florida daughter's family when we would be able to attend both of the younger children's football games.

L. B. plays flag football on Saturday mornings, and his younger sister, K. B., is a cheerleader for another team in the local recreational league. On Saturday, October 11, his game was at 10:00 A.M. and hers at 1:30 P.M., allowing us time to take in both games.

L. B. had a super game. He plays center on offense most of the time, and on defense he usually plays end. He managed two "sacks" on the opposing quarterback in his team's first win of the season.

Get him, L. B.!!!

Little sister's cheering surely helped. Her team also won their game with K. B. and seven of her little friends cheering at the top of their lungs.

K. B. is the one in the middle

We got back to the house just in time to watch the Tennessee/Georgia game(No further comments warranted), then the Florida/Auburn game later that evening.

We must have kept the boys up late Saturday night, because they both slept on the couch with momma all the way home.

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