Saturday, December 20, 2008

I Screwed Up Big Time

I have been remiss. I have been fussed at. I admit it. I have all but abandoned my blog. My apologies to those of you who expected to see something much sooner.

I got all primed for a beautiful night launch of Endeavour back on November 14. Our Florida daughter and her family made plans to join us for the launch. Becky and I took the motor home and snagged a wonderful parking place right on the banks of the Indian River, directly across from the Assembly Building where NASA mates the shuttle to the boosters and fuel tank. The shuttle itself was visible through the haze directly over the sail boat in the photo.

We had a great time visiting with neighbors and making new friends with others who had come to witness the launch. Many of them were from out-of-state and had never had the opportunity to experience this type of excitement. There was one especially nice couple from Lakeland who were accompanied by their son and daughter-in-law (or was it daughter and son-in-law? That is what I get for waiting so long to write this). At any rate, they live in the metropolitan D.C. area.

It was a beautiful night for a launch. Even the full moon came to watch!

I was all set to capture some award-winning photos. But this is where I screwed up. I forgot to take my nice expensive camera from the automatic settings. I got a few decent shots, but was really disappointed in the overall results. Hopefully I will get another chance before they shut the program down. The next launch is scheduled for February 12, 2009 but I don't think the time has been set yet. Here are a couple of the better ones I wound up with that night.

No, it isn't upside down. The shuttle has climbed above the moon.

Here the moon is reflecting in the Indian River. The bright spot in the middle is the result of my not setting the camera correctly.

As you can tell, the sequence starts from the bottom!

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