Saturday, December 20, 2008

There Was Plenty to be Thankful for on Thanksgiving


It was Thanksgiving, and time for another road trip. We loaded the boys in the motor home on Thanksgiving morning and headed for our Florida daughter's house. Our oldest son and his family and our oldest daughter and her youngsters made the trip down, too. Eight of our ten grandchildren were there.
We arrived just in time to see the last part of the neighborhood "Thanksgiving Day Parade." We had a great day of family mingling, eating, and watching football.

On Friday morning, we again fired up the motor home and travelled down the highway a bit to the KOA at Starke, FL. (Yes, that is right down the road from the penitentiary where Florida carries out their executions.) We met Becky's oldest brother and sister-in-law there and enjoyed the rest of the weekend catching up. They live in Ft. Walton Beach and we don't get to see them often. They have recently purchased an Airstream, the Cadillac of tow-behinds, and have been spending a lot of time making short trips with it in preparation for next summer. They have a thirty-day road trip planned and I would really like to be accompanying them.

Picking Up Their Rig

Ron was a Master Chief when he retired from the Air Force. He has worked for a defense contractor since then, but is getting ready to retire again. Jennifer says she is retired but Ron keeps telling her she has to have a regular income to be considered retired. He says she is just unemployed.

We had a great time visiting with them. There was no left-over turkey and dressing, either. We had steak and asparagus with Bernaise sauce one night and Jennifer fixed a "Beer-Butt" chicken on the grill on Saturday. We sampled a little wine, a little of "The Gentleman" from the hollow in Lynchburg, TN, and some strange and exotic stuff in a white bottle that smelled strangely like rum and coconuts.

We pulled out around 10:00 AM Sunday morning with intentions of stopping over in Daytona at Becky's favorite flea market. The closer we got to home, the worse the weather looked. I am extremely glad she decided to forgo the shopping so that we could get home before the worst of the storm hit.

By the time we got the motor home backed in the driveway and hooked up and settled down, we were under a tornado watch!!! We had a hale of a rainstorm, but the only tornado touched down about 45 miles south of us. I finally managed to get the motor home washed and Becky just bought a great big red bow to go on the front for our trip to Tennessee for Christmas. I have already called and told them to turn up the heat.

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