Friday, December 26, 2008



Well, we hit the road again on December 23, headed for cold country. We made it into north Georgia (I was determined to get through Atlanta before anybody got out of bed) before stopping for the night. We went to bed about 2:30 A.M.; correction, I went to bed, Becky and the boys went back to bed. They had gone to bed after supper, about 9:00 P.M.

We got up around 8:00 A.M. and made it on into Knoxville before lunch time. We had a great Christmas eve with Becky's family. My sister and her granddaughter joined us, too.

Little Sis and Vonna

When I got up Christmas morning, I knew I was not in Florida anymore. It was 46 degrees in the motor home. I decided to turn up the heat to knock the chill out, but guess what! The furnace decided not to work. I crawled back under the blankets and took Rocket with me. His little teeth were chattering he was so cold. I think he is now appreciating the fact that he is a Florida dog.

I checked gas bottles, breakers, fuses, switches, and everything else I could think of. Then I got the electric heater out of the storage bay. We have an appointment at Camping World in St. Augustine at 10:00 A.M. Monday morning. When I talked to their service people on the telephone they said I had already done everything they could think of except change the thermostat. I guess that is where they will start.

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